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Metals are extremely useful in our everyday lives and are used in a wide range of situations.
Write down as many uses of metals as you can think of.
You might have thought of uses in, for example:
Different metals are used for different purposes (Figure 12). For example, in construction, the alloy steel is the usual choice for structural building materials due to its strength and flexibility while copper is used for a range of architectural parts such as roofs and gutters, due to its durability and appearance.
As discussed, metals are good conductors and play an important role in electronics. For example, copper is commonly used in electrical wiring; gold is used in many computer technologies and silver is often used in electronic circuitry.
Aluminium has become one of the most commonly used metals in aircraft manufacturing, shipbuilding and the train and automobile industry. Aluminium is a resistant and light material that reduces the weight of transport vehicles, minimising their fuel consumption.
In the case of the food and drink industry, stainless steel is the ideal alloy due to its inertness and resistance to any acids present in foods. It is also tolerant to a wide range of temperatures allowing heating and freezing, and stainless steel equipment can be repeatedly sterilised.
Metals have also been extensively used as medical implants. Stainless steel and titanium alloys are commonly used in biomedical devices, such as joint replacement parts, while gold, silver and platinum are often used in dentistry. Anti-cancer drugs with different metals are also commonly used in chemotherapy.
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Figure 12 Common uses of metals in our daily lives.
Six photographs to show the common use of metals in our daily lives.
For (a) steel, there is a suspension bridge; (b) aluminium, the back of an aeroplane; (c) copper, three cables with visible copper wiring; (d) gold, a circuit board; (e) stainless steel, a can; and (f) titanium, a replacement knee joint.
Figure 12 Common uses of metals in our daily lives.
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Most elements are metals, but quite a few are nonmetals. It's important to be able to distinguish between the different types of elements. Here are lists of five metals and five nonmetals, an explanation of how you can tell them apart, and some examples of their uses.
Five Metals
Metals are usually hard, dense conductors, often exhibiting a shiny luster. Metallic elements readily lose electrons to form positive ions. Except for mercury, metals are solids at room temperature and pressure. Examples include:
Five Nonmetals
The nonmetals are on the upper right-hand side of the periodic table. Nonmetals are typically poor electrical and thermal conductors and don't have a metallic luster. They can be found as solids, liquids, or gases under ordinary conditions. Examples include:
How to Tell Metals and Nonmetals Apart
The easiest way to identify whether an element is a metal or nonmetal is to find its position on the periodic table. A zigzag line runs down the right side of the table. Elements on this line are metalloids or semimetals, which have properties intermediate between those of metals and nonmetals. Every element to the right of this line is a nonmetal and all other elements (most elements) are metals.
The only exception is hydrogen, which is considered a nonmetal in its gaseous state at room temperature and pressure. The two rows of elements below the body of the periodic table are also metals. Basically, about 75% of elements are metals, so if you're given an unknown element and asked to make a guess, go with a metal.
Element names can be a clue too. Many metals have names ending with -ium (e.g. beryllium, titanium). Nonmetals can have names ending with -gen, -ine, or -on (hydrogen, oxygen, chlorine, argon).
Uses for Metals and Nonmetals
A metal's use is directly linked to its qualities. For example:
Nonmetals are plentiful and useful. These are among the most commonly used:
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